Company profile

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Hi Charge Company Limited

Hi Charge Company Limited. Is the only operating service platform in the Shared charging industry based on the r&d, operation and service of Internet and Internet of things technology, industrial characteristics, ecological environment and big data services. With its strong scientific research strength and cutting-edge manufacturing technology, the company has successfully developed energy-saving and environmental protection products, and obtained a number of technologies, which have passed the national authority.Its brands xidian and huadian share charging equipment have advanced technology. The design is reasonable, durable, the scene is practical and so on characteristics fill the gap of the domestic market.For the sake of small and medium-sized investors, the company grasps the hot spots of the market and determines investment projects through market observation, research and analysis. The products are in line with the trend of consumption, highlighting the short, smooth and fast characteristics of the project, putting small cost, no risk, easy to operate in the first place, so that investors are easy to intervene, less detour, quick results, so as to become China The cradle of rapid wealth for the vast number of investment entrepreneurs.

Product introduction


45 mouth cabinet

43-inch LED display Can play video, picture


30 mouth cabinet

17 inch LED display Can play video, picture


10 cabinet


Five cabinet

7 "LCD screen, capable of playing pictures and videos (capable of playing sound)


Shared charger

Specially customized charging line, through tens of thousands of plug tests, durable.


Shared charger H3

Simple operation, scan code to pay for the use of input password Magnet adsorption can be combined, easy to receive


Shared charger H5

Appearance fashion trend, one head three USES, satisfies each kind of digital product charging demand.

Product safety

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Comply with national standard &International certification

Has passed the national special certification (including 3C certification, product self-inspection report, etc.)

Output over voltage protection, output over current protection, high temperature protection, battery overcharge protection, current over discharge protection, output short circuit protection

Standby 24 hours a day, 1 KWH of electricity a month, normal operation and use, 1 KWH a week

The charging treasure all USES the high strength encryption, the coordination disassembly detection, the charging line damage detection and so on many kinds of technical means, guarantees the user information security

  • 共享充电宝

2017年12月13日,共享充电宝入选国家语言资源监测与研究中心发布的“2017年度中国媒体十大新词语”。 [1]

2019年8月,有消费者反应,多个共享充电宝品牌悄悄涨价。 [2]

深圳市芯鑫盛科技有限公司,是一家基于互联网与物联网技术、产业特点、生态环境、大数据服务的研发、运营、服务于一体的共享充电行业唯一运营服务平台。 公司凭借雄厚的科研实力、尖端的制造技术,成功研制出节能环保产品,获多项技术,均通过国家权威部门检测。旗下品牌嘻电共享充电宝、华电共享充电设备技术先进、 设计合理、经久耐用、场景实用性强等特点填补了国内市场的空白。

  • 中文名

  • 共享充电宝 [3]

  • 外文名

  • Shared charging point

  • 功    能

  • 充电

  • 属    性

  • 充电器



共享充电宝是在“共享”风口上出现的全新细分行业。2014年8月,芯鑫盛科技成立 [4] ,随后,才有了接二连三的入局者。 [5]

2017年以来,随着共享经济概念的火爆,共享充电宝也被资本推上风口。而除了融资大战之外,专利大战早在2016年就已爆发 [6] 。
2017年7月27日,智能共享充电公司怪兽充电宣布获得高瓴资本,清流资本、蓝弛创投、顺为资本等机构亿元人民币A轮融资 [9] 。
2017年10月11日,共享充电宝首现出局者, 乐电官方微信宣布停止运营 [10] ,回收所有共享设备 [11] 。截至2017年10月11日,该公司已回收所有充电宝设备,并提醒用户将未提现的押金提现,提现后余额会在1至2个工作日退回。该公司的客服电话一直处于占线或者无人接听的状态。乐电于2017年3月份上线,在杭州铺设了近200台设备,覆盖公交站、商场、KTV、酒店等场所。乐电与街电的类型相似,均是固定场所下的可移动型充电宝 [11] 。
随着共享概念横扫各个行业,在资本推动下,2017年上半年共享充电宝开始跑马圈地,出现数家运营企业。最疯狂的时候,曾经40天有12亿资本入局。但近期有公司曝出裁员、资金紧张等消息,业界在关注这个新生态将如何演进 [11] 。


共享充电宝的借取流程大致可以分为四步,扫码——注册——付款——借出,一般情况下整个流程花费不到3分钟。归还方式则类似于共享单车,用户可以在公众号平台上根据充电宝的GPS定位,就近归还。 [12]
2017年4月,在广东深圳中山路的设备共设置了40个充电宝存放端口,设备上方的屏幕注明了操作流程、费用提示、异常解答、使用教程和客服电话。用户打开手机中的微信或支付宝进行扫码操作,一台充电宝便会自动弹出。在设备上操作选择归还,手机随即收到包括归还时间、归还地点、租借时长、产生费用等在内的详细信息。该设备中还有数据线,但仅供出售,每条价格为10元。 [13]


在广东深圳,两名群众手机即将没电,其中一人不仅通过该设备借了一台充电宝,还顺便买了一条数据线。感觉这与共享单车很像,非常方便。另外,借用后可以在其他地方归还,也省了很多麻烦。 [13]
在深圳,几名群众聚餐,恰巧遇到全部人手机都没电,此时一名群众直接取来组合桌面式电源,共享充电宝为其提供了5分钟的免费应急充电。 [13]
三是固定场景下的固定共享,代表是“芯鑫盛科技”,主打的是每一张桌面;线机一体,桌面上有共享充电宝时,不需要交付押金,扫码付费后就可以直接充电。 [14]